If you are paying different debts per month and you are afraid of not being able to cope with everything, debt reunification is the best solution. Your Best Loan details it for you.
Many of us, at some point in our financial activity, find ourselves paying various expenses and debts at the same time: home mortgages, car financing, mobile phone financing, etc. There are many separate expenses that can often create confusion or stress, due to not being able to face the debt or the fear of not knowing how to manage it arises. For this situation, there is the reunification of debts.
But before describing the advantages of this financial operation, let’s define in more detail what it means to reunify your debts.
What does debt reunification mean?
Debt reunification is a financial operation that consists of unifying all existing debts in a single loan, that is, you would go from paying installments of different loans that you have acquired and are pending payment in a single monthly installment and with favorable conditions.
How do you request a debt reunification?
The most common format to carry out a debt reunification is through a loan with a mortgage guarantee , in this type of loan a property is included as collateral so that the entity has a guarantee against a possible non-payment of the new loan.
Why reunifying your debts is a good option?
With the term and its use defined, now it’s time to see why reunifying your debts is a good option:
- You pay less than what you pay now
A personal loan for debt reunification is perfect for those who want to start paying less each month. By converting your debts into a single monthly payment, this becomes a new loan, with which, you can choose the duration and the amount to pay less than what you pay now. Make it to the end of the month without worries!
- Lower interest
If you are paying several debts at the same time, it is very likely that each one is associated with a certain interest rate. Fortunately, personal loans have lower interest rates than other financial products . So, if you keep a single loan and with better conditions, you will end up paying a lower interest.
- Choose the payment duration according to your new needs
With a new personal loan you can choose the duration that suits your new needs; whether you want to pay it quickly and forget about everything or if you decide to pay it calmly.
- Better control of your finances
Having to pay only one installment per month is much more comfortable, to have better control over your expenses and to know faster how much you pay per month.