True great presenters create a silent partnership between technology and presenter, allowing each to do what they do best for assignment help online. Here are a few tips to help you maintain your balance.
Tip 1: The best technology is stealthy
We get no extra points with an audience because we enjoy tinkering with our presentation equipment. If they detect last-minute technological challenges, it can cause anxiety. Arrive early enough to set up, hang an image, and have your title slide ready to go 20-30 minutes before your audience arrives. This is in both your and their best interests. You don’t need the stress of last-minute projector/laptop adjustments, and they shouldn’t be a part of the behind-the-scenes work that makes your presentation possible. Today’s smaller, quieter projectors mean less technology to distract your audience. Learn to seamlessly transition between computer and VCR with a single non-dramatic click on the remote if you’re integrating live video from a VCR. If you have multiple presenters, use a switch box to quickly switch between laptops so that time (and focus) is not wasted on minor details. In the end, invisible technology serves us better than technology that displaces presenters due to size, noise, or undue attention.
Tip 2: A remote mouse isn’t a death ray
Presenters all over the world have discovered the liberation of untethered presenting. The ability to transition through images without fanfare exists with the remote mouse capability of many of today’s projectors or 3rd party remote devices. Unfortunately, as with any presentation technology, we must learn how to use it properly. Some presenters, with straight-arm, eye-squinting accuracy, point their remote IR devices at the target to signal the progression of each presentation slide, but they miss the point. If we are to maintain our attention on the presenter, we must practice with the device so that images appear to move/change on screen effortlessly. This kind of fluidity ensures that our thoughts aren’t broken up like periods in a paragraph, but instead flow smoothly from image to image, almost at will. As the imagery on the screen changes practice talking through your slide transitions. This simple technique alone will set you apart from the crowd during your presentation.
Tip 3: Good presenters can direct the attention of the audience
Let’s face it: we want our audience’s undivided attention. It irritates us when someone two rows back appear uninterested or checks accumulated email during the presentation. The frequent presenter recognizes the possibility of competition between the screen and the presenter. Unfortunately, who is bigger and louder often determines the outcome of that competition. That battle is won with brains rather than brawn.
Presenters must improve their ability to direct the audience’s attention and guide their gaze. Remember that the audience will follow your lead. As you take a few steps closer to them, their gaze naturally shifts to you. When there is movement on the screen, it quickly shifts to that location. (This is a great example of only using animation effects when necessary.) When you completely blank the screen (“b” key in PowerPoint). All attention is focused on the single source of visual reinforcement – you. When you take a few steps back and focus your attention on the screen, the audience’s attention quickly follows. We are not powerless pawns in this game. We are the chess masters, orchestrating all of the “game’s” elements. Our delivery “plan” is as important as the graphics themselves in the presentation process. How well do you plan?
Every presenter’s ultimate goal is to ensure that our presentations are more about products than lumens. Partnerships rather than resolution values, and strategic messages rather than cables, and duct tape. However, because we are occasionally preoccupied with the mechanics rather than the message, we frequently begin our presentations at a distinct disadvantage. Our mental preparation is disrupted at a critical juncture. How ready are you? Manufacturers of projectors have done their part by developing smaller, brighter, and quieter technology; now it’s up to us to remember what our role is in Assignment help Kuala Lumpur and stick to it.