How to Work on Result & Interpretation in Systematic Literature Review

Systematic Literature Review

Systematic Literature Review

A systematic literature review is an essential part of any research project. It provides a comprehensive overview of the topic and helps you to better understand the current state of knowledge in a field. A literature review can also help identify gaps in the existing body of research and provide insights into new areas that require further exploration. However, there are many steps involved in conducting a systematic literature review and it is not always easy to navigate this process on your own without proper guidance or training. In this article, we will discuss some tips for effectively working on results and interpretation while conducting your own systematic literature review

Learn How To Conduct And Interpret A Systematic Literature Review.

A systematic literature review is a comprehensive examination of relevant research studies on a particular topic. Systematic reviews are a good way to gain an overview of the current state of knowledge in an area, and they allow you to make more informed decisions about the direction your research should take.

Your dissertation or thesis will likely require some kind of literature review, and since this type of project will have a significant effect on your future career as a researcher, it’s important that you learn how to do it correctly. Getting dissertation help online can also play an important role in this regard.

As for interpreting results:

First, keep track of which terms you were able to find a lot of evidence for as well as those that turned up almost none; then try looking at patterns behind those terms—why were some terms used more than others? Is there anything else about them that might help explain why they were used so much more often?

Steps To Interpret Results Of Systematic Literature Review

  • Study the literature: It is important for you to understand what other researchers have done and how they did it. This will help you evaluate their work, and also give you insight into how yours should be approached.
  • Analyze the literature: When looking at research studies, it is important to look at all aspects of them so that you can identify strengths and weaknesses in other people’s work as well as your own. You need to analyze whether or not a study’s design was effective enough for its purpose, including whether or not there was sampling bias; if measures were valid and reliable; if statistical tests were appropriate; etc.
  • Appraise the literature: After analyzing all of this information, combined with your own opinions on various subjects related specifically towards your topic area(s), make conclusions based on what has been said by others before trying something new
  • Theoretical framework and methodology: The theoretical framework is the conceptual framework that guides your research. It provides you with a set of assumptions and concepts to use as a basis for your study.
  • Data extraction and analysis: Data extraction and analysis are two of the most important parts of a systematic literature review.

Understanding the literature

Understanding the literature is the first step of a systematic literature review. To understand what others have found and reported, you must analyze their work. This means identifying the key terms and concepts used in their studies and determining whether they are similar or different from your own study’s findings.

It is also important to understand how each study was conducted (the research design) so that you can compare it with other studies and make appropriate conclusions about whether or not there are differences between them.

Analyzing the literature

Analyzing the literature is a critical first step toward identifying gaps and limitations in the existing body of knowledge. It also helps you to identify key issues and strengths in your topic area. In addition, it helps you to focus on the most relevant topics for your review.

Analyze existing studies from the following perspectives:

  • What are they addressing?

  • How do they address these issues? Are they addressing them in an appropriate way?
  • What is their methodological approach (e.g., qualitative, quantitative)? Are they using appropriate methods? What are their findings or conclusions based on these methods?

When analyzing each study, consider what was studied (the research question), who was studied (the target population), how participants were selected or recruited into the study (participant selection procedures), how participants were exposed to whatever was being investigated (intervention procedures) and whether there were any other influences on behaviour that might have affected results such as previous exposure to similar interventions, expectations about effects of interventions or other factors that might influence behaviour/outcomes observed during later phases of data collection process which may affect results obtained during earlier phases when no control group existed.

Appraising the literature

Appraising the literature is a critical step in the process of developing a systematic literature review. It’s important to consider how you can appraise the literature for your thesis, dissertation, or research proposal.

Theoretical framework and methodology

Theoretical frameworks are used in qualitative research to help you understand why and how things happen so that you can gain insight into what exactly is happening in your topic area.

As the theoretical frameworks guide the researcher’s interpretation and analysis of evidence, which makes them central to interpreting what you find out from conducting a systematic literature review on an issue or topic area.

Data extraction and analysis

Data extraction refers to the process by which information is collected from articles or books. The data analysis refers to how you use and interpret your data, once it has been extracted.

How do you go about extracting data? First, think about what types of things are relevant to your topic area. Look at the order in which they appear in your question stem: What would be first? Second, think about how each piece fits into a larger framework—what’s its place in this bigger picture?

Thirdly (and finally), consider whether each piece might be broken down further into smaller pieces that could be analyzed separately. You will likely find yourself going through these steps more than once as you work on your project!


In this post, we have looked at how to work on results and interpretation in a systematic literature review. This is essential for any research project, especially if you want your findings to be accepted by other scholars in the field.

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Krish Stark: Krish is an inbound Content marketing specialist at SEO SMO Company. He loves to write on trending topics in different categories like Technology, fashion, travel, health etc. Connect for the ROI focused content marketing services.