A Perfect Guide To How Frequently Should Blog Posts Be Made For SEO


It can take endless hours of work behind the scenes to create one blog post in SEO. It takes a solid blog approach to stand out among the deluge of content uploaded online every day. Developing a publishing schedule for your blog is a crucial component of that plan. Actually, there isn’t a single solution that works for everyone.

The perfect blogging schedule should take into account the uniqueness of each blog, as well as its goals, readership, and niche. To help you establish your editorial calendar, we’ve developed this quick guide that walks you through some of the elements you need to take into account.

How many blog posts should I make per month? (Short Response)

The most typical monthly blog posting frequency, as determined by well-known websites, is provided below if you’re searching for a quick and simple response.

  • 20 to 30+ posts each month on media websites

  • B2B Websites: 1-2 Monthly Blog Posts

  • 3–4 blog posts per month for B2C websites

  • eCommerce Websites: 3–4 Monthly Blog Posts

A good amount of material for most firms is 2-4 blog articles per month. Even though you might not consider a few postings every month to be much, they pile up over time. This will add 24 new articles to your website. This fresh content will raise your site’s relevancy overall, help you rank higher for each blog topic, and generate backlinks.

The Number of Blog Posts Depends on a Variety of Factors

Let’s say you’ve read any of the thousands of articles written about content marketing tactics. In such a case, you are well aware of how a wide range of elements might impact the success of your content. But a few things stand out when it comes to choosing the optimum post frequency for your blog.

Consider your content marketing goals first. What do you want to accomplish? Are you more concerned with increasing reading, increasing engagement, or attracting readers to your conversion funnel? What sort of resources do you have, secondly? Can you produce new material four, five, or six times each week? Or do you intend to publish fewer but better-quality and thoroughly-researched articles?

Last but not least, think about how much content you need to produce to achieve your objectives. Keep in mind that the readers should be the main priority of your blog writing approach. To keep up with your arbitrary posting schedule, don’t bombard them with posts that are unrelated. If you only need to post once or twice a month, don’t push it.

What are your objectives for content marketing?

Most blogs generally end up just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks in the absence of a content marketing strategy and specific goals. Instead, consider this question: “What are my goals for using this online platform? Are you concentrating on page views, conversions, recurring visits over time, or another metric? The blog itself is the product, or are you attempting to promote a new good or service?

It’s crucial to consider your posting frequency within this goal-focused framework. For instance, let’s say your objective is to develop a popular piece of content for a forthcoming product launch. In that instance, you should use your blog to spread additional information and create buzz that will spread through posts on social media. On the other hand, consistency is crucial to growing a travel blog’s readership over time, making blogging more frequently a no-brainer.

Increasing Natural Traffic

Regular blogging boosts your amount of organic visitors, which is a terrific strategy to improve your SEO rankings. Organic traffic’s key advantage is that it reinforces itself. A website receives more online shares as a result of increased page views, which raises its search engine ranking and increases the number of visitors it receives.

Every page of your website that is indexable is taken into account by search engines like Google. Meaning that if your website has enough pertinent blog content, you might appear in related searches that you weren’t specifically aiming for. Increasing organic traffic is essential if your objective is to increase stats like page views, new visitors, or subscriber count.

Increasing brand recognition

Building enduring brand awareness through consistent posting of high-quality material pertaining to your niche is a great strategy. Making high-quality content with images and keywords related to your sector can have a big impact on your company’s online brand awareness.

What tools do you use to create content?

One of the most important variables in determining how frequently you should post to your blog is the amount of resources you can devote to the creation of high-quality material. Keep in mind that content quality is the foundation for SEO rankings.

If you don’t have enough time, money, or employees to meet your frequency targets, the quality will suffer. It is always preferable to concentrate on the quality of your postings as opposed to simply producing new content to meet an arbitrary target.

Concentrate on posting at a rate that corresponds to the amount of time it takes you to create engaging content. Low-quality content can really cause more harm than benefit if you post it. This material may be considered thin by Google, which could harm your SEO rankings.

How can SEO Blogs Benefit NFTs?

Increasing your website’s rating on Google through Blogs for NFT Minting Website makes it simpler for users to find your NFT website and other NFT-related information on your website.

You won’t reach your ideal clients if you don’t optimise for NFTs. This is especially true given how much information is posted online every day.

Your best chance of reaching your target market and raising your conversion rates is through SEO for NFTs. You can compete with big, well-known websites and even outrank them if you get the fundamentals right and master them!

The Size of the Company Can Affect Publishing Schedules

A small business owner may find that managing their blog on top of all their other obligations is one commitment too many, especially if they have a tiny workforce. Naturally, maintaining an ambitious publishing schedule is much easier for large businesses.

How Much Content Is Required to Achieve the Goals of Your Audiences?

Keep in mind that your readers want answers, and it is your responsibility to give them. Your objective as a content marketer is to answer your audience’s queries or solve their problems using text, infographics, videos, and a variety of digital media. The extent of these issues will frequently dictate how much and how frequently you need to create content.

It’s critical to comprehend the reader’s attention span and frequency of visits. Are they seeking a prompt response? On their lunch break, are they reading your blog on their phone? Do they intend to spend the next hour reading everything there is to know about a topic because they are deep in research mode?

A vast topic, for instance, that may require a book’s worth of writing to convey, could be divided into a series of blogs or published as a comprehensive guide. Let’s say you’re only updating your blog to fulfil your content calendar. In that situation, neither you nor your readers are benefited. Consider the behaviour of your target audience and try to tailor your content creation to the format that will help them solve their problems the most.

Think about your intended audience

How well do you know the readers of your blog? When choosing your posting frequency, it’s important to understand why visitors are visiting your site and what solutions they are looking for. Do your viewers desire top ten lists, product recommendations, or how-to tutorials, for instance? Or are they seeking thoughtful articles on your specialty? While in-depth pieces require more time and effort to write, short tutorials and how-to articles can be created fast. How frequently you should post will depend on the quality of your content and what your audience expects from it.

B2B vs. B2C Businesses

B2B and B2C businesses often have different objectives, business models, and target markets. The primary distinction between these approaches’ ultimate objectives in terms of content marketing is as follows: While business-to-consumer tactics aim for leads that can quickly convert to sales, business-to-business businesses frequently place more of an emphasis on long-term engagement.

The articles should normally be more in-depth and extensively researched if you are blogging for other industry professionals, which may necessitate updating your blog with only one or two larger entries every month.

On the other hand, if you’re writing for consumers, you should concentrate on producing shorter, easier-to-digest pieces that don’t demand that your readership has a lot of prior knowledge about the topic.

How to Determine the Right Blogging Frequency

We’ve hopefully established by now that there is no “one size fits all” amount of blogging frequency. That doesn’t imply there isn’t a solution for your specific type of business, though. It is feasible to establish the appropriate number of posts you should produce within a specific timeframe by looking at the elements we’ve already covered, applying them to your blogging schedule, and monitoring your outcomes. Though routine and consistency are important components of a content marketing plan, flexibility is just as important. Make sure to remain flexible and modify your content production to fit your business strategies.

Playing Around with the Number of Posts You Make

Often, it’s challenging to get a clear picture of what your team can provide in terms of reliable material. Spend some time experimenting with various tactics to discover which ones you can maintain over time. Utilize tools like Google Analytics to monitor your metrics and trends during this time in order to better understand what type of schedule will bring in the required traffic volume.

There is no shortcut to creating a schedule for your blog; it takes time, work, and attention to detail. There is no magic number of posts that will guarantee you a certain degree of interaction or page views. There are a number of things to take into account, and each one is specific to your company. Just keep in mind that there isn’t a flawless, universal publishing timetable. Most bloggers constantly alter their calendars throughout the year to account for product discontinuations, major world events, or shifting business needs.

Quality Content Is King on Any Blog

Avoid being overly preoccupied with how many blog entries you’re publishing; quality should always come first. When determining their rankings, Google and other search engines don’t merely scan for repeated terms. The entire quality of each web page or blog post is assessed by modern SEO techniques, and low-quality, spun, keyword-stuffed, or thinly-contented pages won’t appear in the search results. Quality material will always perform better than stuff that is rushed out more frequently.

Due to stale and outdated content, blogs can fail

Any SEO plan must include keeping your material current, but don’t ignore your older content. Since accurate, current information is taken into account when determining search relevance, having an abundance of outdated or inaccurate material on your blog could work against you. Examine your earlier blog posts on a regular basis, and update them as needed. Additionally, keep up with industry news and trends to make your content relevant.

The Last Wise Words

Although it can be challenging, you don’t have to develop content marketing on your own. Contact the SEO specialists if you have questions about how content marketing might benefit your company or would like to learn more about how frequently you should blog.

Krish Stark: Krish is an inbound Content marketing specialist at SEO SMO Company. He loves to write on trending topics in different categories like Technology, fashion, travel, health etc. Connect for the ROI focused content marketing services.